Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


The Protests in Algeria: Background, Dynamics, and Prospects

Muriam Haleh Davis, Thomas Serres

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Please note: This interview was conducted on July 4, 2019. Over a period of 4 days, Status and Jadaliyya team members held three events, of which this interview is one. Drilling down into the politics of language, humor, and temporality, Bassam Haddad's interview with Muriam & Thomas provides a much needed magnifying glass on the dynamics of the protests in Algeria in the aftermath of Bouteflika's resignation and in the early summer. Camera & Sound Technicians: Noah Black & Kylie Broderick

The Protests in Algeria: Background, Dynamics, and Prospects

Haleh Davis & Serres lead a talk at ARD Stanford:


Muriam Haleh Davis
Muriam Haleh Davis

Assistant Professor of History at UCSC

Muriam Haleh Davis is an assistant professor of History at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Her current book project studies how the postwar reinvention of a market economy influenced prevailing ideas of race and national identity in Algeria. She is the co-editor of a volume entitled North Africa and the Making of Europe: Institutions, Governance and Culture, and has published articles in the Journal of Contemporary History, the Journal of European Integration History, and Middle East Critique. She is also a co-editor of Jadaliyya's Maghreb Page.

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Thomas Serres
Thomas Serres

Adjunct Professor at UCSC and Researcher with Développement & Société

Thomas Serres has a PhD in political science from the EHESS. He is currently an associated researcher with Développement & Société in Paris and an Adjunct Professor at the University of California-Santa Cruz.  His research focuses on the politics of crisis and trans-nationalization in Algeria

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