Status Audio Magazine


MENA Dialogues
MENA Dialogues

MENA Dialogues is a video series produced by the Middle East and North African Studies Program at Northwestern University and consisting of interviews with leading scholars, artists, and writers. 

The series is produced by MENA Assistant Director Danny Postel.

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On the Removal of the 'MENA' Category from the U.S. Census
On the Removal of the 'MENA' Category from the U.S. Census
On the Removal of the "MENA" Category from the U.S. Census
 How Theater Could Survive a Dictatorship
How Theater Could Survive a Dictatorship
How Theater Could Survive a Dictatorship
Part 1, Intellectual Journey and Influences - Ella Shohat [English]
Part 1, Intellectual Journey and Influences - Ella Shohat [English]
Intellectual Journey: Language, Identity, and Dislocation
Part 2, Current Project on Transatlantic Multiculturalism - Ella Shohat [English]
Part 2, Current Project on Transatlantic Multiculturalism - Ella Shohat [English]
Intellectual Journey: Language, Identity, and Dislocation
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On the Removal of the 'MENA' Category from the U.S. Census
On the Removal of the "MENA" Category from the U.S. Census

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