الوضع مجلة صوتية

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}

عدد 6.1

أصوات من سوريا: ويندي بيرلمان والتاريخ الشفوي للصراع السوري

وندي برلمان

{{langos=='en'?('14/02/2019' | todate):('14/02/2019' | artodate)}}
{{('10'=='10'?'onEnglish':'10'=='20'?'onArabic':'10'=='30'?'onBoth':'') | translate}}

تتحدث ويندي بيرلمان عن عملية جمع كتابها الرابع المعروف عالمياً "عبرنا جسراً وقد اهتز: أصوات سورية" والذي يتضمن شهادات لنساء ورجال يقدمون مروياتهم في سياق أحداث سوريا ما بعد الـ٢٠١١. 

We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria

In this presentation, Dr. Wendy Pearlman presents fourth book, We Crossed a Bridge and It Trembled: Voices from Syria, an oral history of the Syrian conflict based on interviews that she has conducted with more than 400 displaced Syrians across the Middle East and Europe since 2012. Using exclusively Syrians’ own words, the book is a mosaic of stories and reflections that seeks to express the human dimension of the Syrian uprising, war, and refugee experience. Like the book, her talk chronicles the origins and evolution of the Syrian conflict through the stories of ordinary people who have lived and been transformed by its unfolding, and thereby place the forced migration of millions of Syrians in its larger historical and political context. Dr. Wendy Pearlman is the Koldyke Outstanding Teaching Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University, where she specializes in Middle East politics.


وندي برلمان
وندي برلمان

أستاذة تدريسة متميزة في العلوم السياسية في نورث وسترن.

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