الوضع مجلة صوتية

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}

عدد 7.2

سامر عبود يتناول سياسة الإقصاء في سوريا

سامر عبود

Photo: Detail from the cover of Samer Abboud's book "Syria: Hot Spots in Global Politics" (Polity, 2018)
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{{('10'=='10'?'onEnglish':'10'=='20'?'onArabic':'10'=='30'?'onBoth':'') | translate}}

يفحص سامر عبود في هذه المحاضرة "السلام غير الليبرالي" الناشئ في سوريا. تم تزويدنا بالفيديو من قبل برنامج الإصلاح العربي والديمقراطية (ARD) في جامعة ستانفورد.

Samer Abboud's abstract:

The absence of an internationally mandated or internally negotiated peace process has allowed the Syrian regime to craft an illiberal peace as an outcome to the nearly decade-long conflict. This illiberal peace is shaped through a politics of exclusion in which Syrian society is bifurcated into the loyal and disloyal through processes of reconciliation, settlement, and new legal regimes of citizenship. These forms of ‘peace’ are productive of new forms of post-conflict citizenship in Syria structured around loyalty to the regime that also serve to punish anyone suspected of betraying ‘the homeland’. The division of society into the loyal and disloyal is being consecrated in new laws and practices that are shaping Syria’s post-conflict trajectory. The prospect of a progressive Syrian future that motivated many of the early protestors has been quelled by the circumscription of political space and the reinvigoration of pre-conflict forms of governance underpinned by violence and exclusion. The emergence of new forms of citizenship shaped by illiberal peace is determining the terrain of politics in Syria today.

Watch the webinar below:


سامر عبود
سامر عبود

أستاذ جامعي في الدراسات العالمية المتعددة التخصصات بجامعة فيلانوفا. تتضمن اهتماماته البحثية فهم كيف تجلت النيوليبرالية في العالم العربي مع التركيز على كيف شكلت سياسات الخصخصة والتسويق الاقتصادات السياسية لدول المنطقة وخاصة سوريا والعراق ولبنان.

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