Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


Helena is the Mental Health activity manager for Médecins Sans Frontières in Lebanon where she has been working for the last 8 months coordinating and supervising the different Mental health  projects MSF runs in South-Beirut in Shatila and Bourj el Barajneh camps and in different areas in East-Akkar. Helena has been working as a Mental Health specialist with MSF for 3 years in different projects in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Egypt and South Sudan. Helena worked in different managerial positions in research and consultancy companies and in the banking sector in Iceland before acquiring her Master degree in Clinical psychology from University of Iceland in 2010. After graduation Helena worked as a clinical psychologist and a supervisor in a specialized Anxiety and trauma clinic in Iceland, where she was a partner and owner for 4 years before entering the world humanitarian work with MSF.

Interviewed by {{langos=="en"?guestInterview[occardillionSec].hostTitles:guestInterview[occardillionSec].hostArTitles}}
{{langos=='en'?(guestInterview[occardillionSec].date | todate):(guestInterview[occardillionSec].date | artodate)}}
{{(guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='10'?'onEnglish':guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='20'?'onArabic':guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='30'?'onBoth':'') | translate}}