Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}

Guests / DR. ELI CAHAN

Eli Cahan is co-winner of the National Press Foundation’s Thomas L. Stokes Award for Best Energy and Environment Writing. Cahan, MD, MS is an award-winning investigative journalist covering the intersection of child health, youth welfare, and social injustice. His written work has been featured in The Washington Post, LA Times, Rolling Stone, USA Today, The Guardian, The New Republic, and VICE, among other publications. His multimedia work has appeared on TV via ABC and radio via NPR. Cahan’s reporting has won awards from the National Press Club, the News Leaders Association, the Association of Health Care Journalists, the National Association of Science Writers and elsewhere. He has received reporting fellowships from the Pulitzer Center and USC’s Center for Health Journalism, among others. His academic research has been featured in NEJM, JAMA, BMJ, and Health Affairs, among other publications. Eli is a graduate of Stanford University, NYU School of Medicine and the University of Michigan. He is also a pediatrician, at UCSF until June and at Boston Children’s/Boston Medical Center thereafter.

Interviewed by {{langos=="en"?guestInterview[occardillionSec].hostTitles:guestInterview[occardillionSec].hostArTitles}}
{{langos=='en'?(guestInterview[occardillionSec].date | todate):(guestInterview[occardillionSec].date | artodate)}}
{{(guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='10'?'onEnglish':guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='20'?'onArabic':guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='30'?'onBoth':'') | translate}}