Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


Since 2001, Canadian writer/editor/photographer Adnan R. Khan has worked in conflict zones from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Iraq and Syria. Known for his up-close portraits of everyday people and their daily struggles amid war and instability, Adnan grapples with themes of loss and displacement, embedding nuanced analyses in the stories of the people most affected by them. Adnan’s long form features have appeared in major Canadian publications, including Maclean’s magazine, the Walrus and the Toronto Star. He has walked with Afghanistan’s pastoral nomads as they struggle to preserve their traditions in an environment bristling with the explosive remnants of war; he has been captured by insurgents in Iraq, turning a potentially deadly encounter into an opportunity to write about Iraqi civilians living in the midst of an insurgency; he has helped lovers separated by the ISIS takeover in Syria reunite after years apart and documented the efforts of artists and intellectuals in Peshawar, Pakistan to revive the beauty at the heart of Pashtun culture after decades of war and political upheaval.

Interviewed by {{langos=="en"?guestInterview[occardillionSec].hostTitles:guestInterview[occardillionSec].hostArTitles}}
{{langos=='en'?(guestInterview[occardillionSec].date | todate):(guestInterview[occardillionSec].date | artodate)}}
{{(guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='10'?'onEnglish':guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='20'?'onArabic':guestInterview[occardillionSec].language=='30'?'onBoth':'') | translate}}