Status Audio Magazine

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Creative Memory of the Syrian Revolution

Sana Yazigi

Interviewed by Omar S. Dahi
{{langos=='en'?('19/02/2015' | todate):('19/02/2015' | artodate)}}
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Sana Yazigi discussses her initiative dedicated to collecting artistic and cultural production surrounding the Syrian uprising.


Sana Yazigi
Sana Yazigi

She founded the bilingual monthly cultural magazine “the Cultural Diary,” covering the cultural scene in Damascus and the other cities of Syria

Sana Yazigi is a graphic designer, and graduated from the faculty of fine arts at­ Damascus University. She founded the bilingual monthly cultural magazine “the Cultural Diary,” covering the cultural scene in Damascus and the other cities of Syria between 2007 and ­2012. 

She is the initiator of ALWAN art­ therapy for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, and has worked with it since 2013 to the present. She is also founder and editor in chief of the website “The Creative Memory of the Syrian Revolution."  

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