Status Audio Magazine

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Syrian Echoes and the new geographic realities in Syria

Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj

Interviewed by Katty Alhayek
{{langos=='en'?('18/05/2017' | todate):('18/05/2017' | artodate)}}
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Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj discusses the Syrian Echoes project and his new research. 


Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj
Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj

Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj is a consultant on urban planning, development and local governance. 

Omar Abdulaziz Hallaj is a consultant on urban planning, development and local governance. He is the senior coordinator of the Syria Project at the Common Space Initiative in Beirut, where he is engaged in facilitating various dialogues and research projects for peace building and recovery planning in Syria. Formerly, he was the CEO of the Syria Trust for Development, and served on the boards of several NGO’s, and public commissions. His professional and research work relates institutional, financial and political frameworks to the production of built environment. In 2007, Mr. Hallaj was the recipient of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture as team leader of the Shibam Urban Development Project (GIZ). He subsequently served on the master jury and the steering committee of the Award. 

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