Status Audio Magazine

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The Red and Dead Sea Canal Project: The Israeli Occupation is the Winner

Iyad Riyahi

Interviewed by Nour Saleem
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The interview discusses the consequences to Palestinians of implementing the two seas' canal project and the stands of those who support (IMF and the European states) and oppose (Palestinian civil society) the project.


Iyad Riyahi
Iyad Riyahi

A political and social activist who was arrested and spent five years in Israeli jails between 1990 and 2004

Born in 1974, Iyad Riyadi graduated from Birzeit University with his first degree in sociology and is currently working on an MA in the same area. A political and social activist who was arrested and spent five years in Israeli jails between 1990 and 2004, he was also arrested more than once by the Palestinian Authority for his activism. Iyad has worked for different Palestinian civil society organizations, and alongside a group of researchers, he co-founded a political, social, and economic collective known as Al-Marsad. He is the author of numerous studies and publications, the most notable being his "Delusions of Development," "Just Taxation," and a book on internal and external debts and their impact on the political situation in Palestine. Iyad has also authored different reports on foreign investments in development as well as analyses and criticism of statements from the IMF and World Bank on the political and economic conditions in occupied Palestine.

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