Status Audio Magazine

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Report Back from the 28th Session of the Human Rights Council

Nadia Ben Youssef

Interviewed by Noura Erakat
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Ben Youssef discusses the most recent intervention of Palestinian human rights NGOs at the 28th Session of the Human Rights Council. 


Nadia Ben Youssef
Nadia Ben Youssef

Nadia Ben Youssef is a human rights lawyer and international advocate.

Nadia Ben Youssef is a human rights lawyer and international advocate working to promote the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians living under Occupation.  

Since 2010, she has worked in international advocacy with Adalah - The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel first in the organization's Naqab (Negev) office in southern Israel through 2013, and then as its first USA Representative.  Prior to leading Adalah's American advocacy efforts, Nadia focused primarily on challenging Israel's violations of the human rights of the indigenous Palestinian Bedouin community through targeted international advocacy, media outreach, and public activities, including the Stop Prawer campaign to end forced displacement.  She is increasingly interested in the intersection between art and advocacy in advancing human rights, and with Adalah, has initiated film and photography projects that seek to visualize and humanize human rights violations in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.  She obtained an AB in Sociology from Princeton University and graduated cum laude from Boston College Law School with a concentration in Human Rights and International Justice.  

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