Status Audio Magazine

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Climate of Control: Testimonies from Former Palestinian Prisoners

Sahar Francis, Ayman Nasser, Ahmed Attoun, Mohammad Moghrabi, Mokhles Borghal

Interviewed by Nour Joudah
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Four former political prisoners recount their arrests, interrogations, and time in Israeli occupation prisons. The Arabic testimonies are accompanied by a supplemental introduction in English with Sahar Francis, the general director of Addameer, who discusses the climate of control Israeli authorities create and enforce, as well as if and how tactics have changed throughout the years.


Sahar Francis
Sahar Francis

General Director of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association 

Sahar Francis is the General Director of Addameer PrisonerSupport and Human Rights Association, a Ramallah-based Palestinian NGO that provides legal and advocacy support to Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. An attorney by training, she joined Addameer in 1998, first as a human rights lawyer, then as head of the Legal Unit. 

With over sixteen years of human rights experience including legal counseling and representation, Adv. Francis is a leader of prisoners rights advocacy. She has been invited to speak internationally at legal organizations, universities, grassroots and Palestine solidarity events and academic conferences. She has also represented Addameer at the UN Human Rights Council, sits on the Board of Defense for Children International – Palestine Section, and was recently appointed to be on the technical committee for the Palestinian National Committee for the follow-up of the International Criminal Court (ICC). 

Francis earned her law degree from the University of Haifa in 1994, entered the Israeli Bar Association in February 1996, and earned her Master’s Degree in International Studies from Birzeit University in 2006.

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Ayman Nasser
Ayman Nasser

He has spent more than 8 years total in Israeli occupation prisons. 

Ayman Nasser, from the village of Safa is 46 years old, married, and works as a coordinator for the legal unit at Addameer. He has four children and has spent more than 8 years total in Israeli occupation prisons. For two of those years, he was held under administrative detention – meaning he was detained without any charge brought against him by the military court. 

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Ahmed Attoun
Ahmed Attoun

He has spent over 14 years in Israeli prisons.

Ahmed Attoun is from Jerusalem, married and father of five children, and an elected member of the Palestinian legislature. He has spent over 14 years in Israeli prisons. After he was elected to the legislature, the Israeli occupation authorities revoked his Jerusalem residency and ID under the pretext that he is not loyal to the state of Israel. 

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Mohammad Moghrabi
Mohammad Moghrabi

Mohammed was arrested under the accusation of throwing stones, and was released after 2 weeks for a lack of evidence 

Mohammad al-Moghrabi is a 16 yrs old  and a student from Al-Tur near Jerusalem and was arrested under the accusation of throwing stones. Mohammed was released after 2 weeks for a lack of evidence, but was placed on house arrest after his detention. Mohammed was beaten and assaulted during his arrest and interrogation

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Mokhles Borghal
Mokhles Borghal

He spent 24 years in Israeli prison. 

Mokhles Borghal is a Palestinian citizen of Israel from al-Lyd. He was arrested in the Fall of 1987, early on in the first intifada, and was charged with and received a life sentence for being a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and attacking a military bus. Mokhles was released under the Gilad Shalit exchange deal in 2011. He spent 24 years in Israeli prison. 

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