Status Audio Magazine

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Egyptian Folk Music: Between Tradition and Modernity

Dina El Wedidi, Nancy Mounir

Interviewed by Huda Asfour
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An interview with the young rising star Dina El Wedidi and her music partner Nancy Mounir discussing the current music scene in Egypt, the latest projects, and the issues that they have faced as young female musicians. 


Dina El Wedidi
Dina El Wedidi

She  has made her mark on her country’s music scene over the past six years

Singled out for the originality of her voice and style by all who hear her, Egyptian Dina El Wedidi has made her mark on her country’s music scene over the past six years.

The  26­-year-­old El Wedidi started composing songs when she was young and during university in Cairo where she studied languages. Her songs are infused with the political concerns of Egypt. From 2007 to 2010, El Wedidi worked as a singer and actress with the El Warsha Theatre Troupe, exploring Egyptian folklore and performing in such unlikely places as a Cairo prison. During this period (2009 to 2010), she also performed classical Egyptian and Arab songs with the Habayebna band, before establishing her own band in 2011.

In 2012 El Wedidi was selected as Protégé to legendary singer, songwriter and guitarist Gilberto Gil as part of the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative. During their time together El Wedidi performed with her mentor at the 2012 Back2Black Festival in London and the Cairo’s Jazz Festival in 2013. Gil has given her advice on her debut album, on which he is a guest performer.

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Nancy Mounir
Nancy Mounir

She is the lead violinist in the all-­female metal group Massive Scar Era.

Born and raised in Alexandria, ­Egypt, the young violinist established a name for herself in the Egyptian music scene as a multi­instrumentalist, music producer and arranger. She is the lead violinist in the all-­female metal group Massive Scar Era. Nancy is also a lead member and the music partner of singer songwriter Dina El Wedidi. Nancy is currently based in Cairo and is working on a number of projects exploring the cabaret music of Egypt in the early years of the 20th century.

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