Status Audio Magazine

ISSUE 10.1

Flow, Ep. 3 - The Ramifications of the Earthquake in a War-Torn Country

Rabie Nasser, Dr. Katty Alhayek, Dr. Basileus Zeno, Omar Dahi


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Photo: Rescue efforts by the White Helmets in Northwest Syria on 8 February (Courtesy of the White Helmets)
Interviewed by Bassam Haddad
Feb 14, 2023

This episode addresses the failure of the relief and rescue efforts in the wake of the earthquake that shook Syria on 6 February, starting with the Syrian regime and ending with the international humanitarian system.



Rabie Nasser
Rabie Nasser

Rabie Nasser is a co-founder of the Syrian Center for Policy Research

Rabie Nasser is a co-founder of the Syrian Center for Policy Research, working as researcher in macroeconomic policies, inclusive growth, poverty, and crisis socioeconomic impact assessment.
He obtained a B.A. in Economics from Damascus University 1999. In 2000 he obtained a Diploma in Financial and Monetary Economics from Damascus University. He has MSc in Economics from Leicester University, UK. Before joining The Syrian Development Research Center, Nasser worked for State Planning Commission as Chief Economist and Director General of Macroeconomic Management Directorate in 2004 and 2005. Then, he worked as an Economic Researcher in Arab Planning Institute in Kuwait. Then He was a senior researcher working between 2009-2011 for the Syrian Development Research Center that conducts studies, evaluations, and applied research. 

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Dr. Katty Alhayek
Dr. Katty Alhayek

Her research interests broadly center around themes of Syrian refugees, gender, media audiences, activism, and new technologies.

Dr. Katty Alhayek is an Assistant Professor in the School of Professional Communication at Ryerson University (renaming in process) in Toronto, Canada. Alhayek’s research centers around themes of marginality, media, audiences, gender, intersectionality, and displacement in a transnational context.

Alhayek completed her Ph.D. in Communication at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the United States of America with a graduate certificate in Advanced Feminist Studies. Her publications include articles in the International Journal of Communication; Feminist Media Studies; Gender, Technology and Development; and Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies. Twitter: @kattyalhayek

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Dr. Basileus Zeno
Dr. Basileus Zeno

Karl Loewenstein Fellow and Visiting Lecturer in Political Science at Amherst College.

Dr. Basileus Zeno is Karl Loewenstein Fellow and Visiting Lecturer in Political Science at Amherst College. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in September 2021.

His academic publications include articles in Nations and Nationalism; Middle East Law and Governance; and Digest of Middle East Studies.

Basileus is strongly committed to public engagement and applied research. He is a co-editor of the Syria Page at Jadaliyya, and a co-founding member of Security in Context. He also served as a consultant and a researcher at several international organizations such as the Carter Center’s Conflict Resolution Program, The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN-ESCWA), and the LSE Policy research project "Legitimacy and Citizenship in the Arab World".

Twitter: @BasileusZeno

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Omar Dahi
Omar Dahi

Associate professor of economics at Hampshire College.

Omar S. Dahi is a research associate at the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and associate professor of economics at Hampshire College. He has published in academic outlets such as the Journal of Development Economics, Applied Economics, Southern Economic Journal, Political Geography, Middle East Report, Forced Migration Review, and Critical Studies on Security. His last book was South-South Trade and Finance in the 21st Century: Rise of the South or a Second Great Divergence (co-authored with Firat Demir). From 2014-2018 Dahi served as a Lead Expert on the UN ESCWA's National Agenda for the Future of Syria program. He is a co-founder and coordinator of the Beirut School of Critical Security Studies and the Latin East initiative. Dahi is the project director of Security in Context.

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