Status Audio Magazine

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ISSUE 11.1

Palestine, Palestinians, Denialism, & the Question of Genocide

Dr. Ussama Makdisi

Photo: Slide from Dr. Makdisi's presentation depicting a contrast between Jewish Israeli pioneers and the Palestinians refugees.
Interviewed by Nader Hashemi
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Historian Dr. Ussama Makdisi shares his scholarly and personal experiences surrounding Israeli mass violence in Palestinian territories. He is joined by Dr. Nader Hashemi, Associate Professor of Middle East and Islamic Politics at Georgetown University. 



Dr. Ussama Makdisi
Dr. Ussama Makdisi

Professor of History and Chancellor’s Chair at UC Berkeley. 

Dr. Makdisi was previously Professor of History and the first holder of the Arab-American Educational Foundation Chair of Arab Studies at Rice University in Houston. He is the author of Age of Coexistence: The Ecumenical Frame and the Making of the Modern Arab World (University of California Press, 2019) and Faith Misplaced: the Broken Promise of U.S.-Arab Relations, 1820-2001 (Public Affairs, 2010).

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