Status Audio Magazine

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ISSUE 11.2

What Have We Learned? With Susan Abulhawa

Susan Abulhawa

Interviewed by Bassam Haddad
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What Have We Learned?” after one year of Israel’s Genocide? Scholars, journalists, activists, and authors select 5 themes/topics and analyze what we have learned about them in about 35-40 minutes.

In this episode, Palestinian-American writer and activist Susan Abulhawa addresses: Israeli society, Media and Representation, Resistance, Arab states, and Co-Existence.



Susan Abulhawa
Susan Abulhawa

Author of "Mornings in Jenin," "Against the Loveless World," and other novels.

Susan Abulhawa was born to refugees of the 1967 war when Israel captured what remained of Palestine, including Jerusalem. She currently lives in Pennsylvania with her daughter. She is the founder and President of Playgrounds for Palestine, a children’s organization dedicated to upholding The Right to Play for Palestinian children. Her debut novel, Mornings in Jenin, was an international bestseller, translated into 30 languages. Her second novel, The Blue Between Sky and Water, was likewise a bestseller, translated into 20 languages. The reach of her books and volume of her readership have made abulhawa one of the most widely read Arab authors in the world. Her novel, Against the Loveless World, was released in 2020.

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