Status Audio Magazine

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ISSUE 11.2

Anatomy of a Genocide

Francesca Albanese

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The Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, in partnership with the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, the African Studies Program, Georgetown University Qatar, and the Institute for the Study of International Migration, hosted Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, for a talk titled “Anatomy of Genocide in Gaza” on October 28th at Copley Formal Lounge on the Georgetown University campus.

In this event, Francesca Albanese highlights her findings in the 2024 report “Anatomy of a Genocide” and describes the relationship between settler-colonialism and genocide, the genocidal acts and intent present in this current moment, and the act of “de-civilianizing” Palestinians to conceal those acts and intentions.



Francesca Albanese
Francesca Albanese

UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories since 2021.

Francesca Albanese is an Affiliate Scholar at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University, and a Senior Advisor on Migration and Forced Displacement for the think tank Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD), where she co-founded the Global Network on the Question of Palestine (GNQP), a coalition of renowned professional and scholars engaged in/on Israel/Palestine. She has published widely on the legal situation in Israel/Palestine; her latest book, Palestinian Refugees in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2020), offers a comprehensive legal analysis of the situation of Palestinian refugees from its origins to modern-day reality. She regularly teaches and lectures on International Law and Forced Displacement in European and Arab universities, and speaks frequently at conferences and public events on the legal situation of Palestine. She worked for a decade as a human rights expert for the United Nations, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees. In these capacities, she advised the UN, governments, and civil society across the Middle East, North Africa, and the Asia Pacific, on the enforcement of human rights norms, especially for vulnerable groups including refugees and migrants. She holds a Law Degree (with honors) from the University of Pisa and an LLM in Human Rights from the University of London, SOAS.

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