Status Audio Magazine

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ISSUE 11.2

Keep Eyes on Sudan: Mass Displacement, Food Insecurity, and Sudanese Women

Reem Abbas, Hala Al Karib, Abubakr Omer

Photo: Internally Displaced Persons in the capital of South Sudan (Un Photo/Isaac Billy).
Interviewed by Abdullahi Halakhe
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The people of Sudan continue to face unprecedented displacement, violence and a looming famine. The country faces massive displacement, with more than 10 million people forced from their homes. This panel highlights the urgency of the need, but also the creativity and capacity of Sudanese humanitarians, even in the face of global disinterest and neglect. In particular, it highlights the ways that women and girls have been impacted and also the leadership of women in meeting needs of communities and in peacebuilding and the important role they can have in any current and prospective peace talks.

This event was hosted by the Georgetown African Studies Program, the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, the Georgetown Conflict Resolution Program, and Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security for the first event in a series of programming on Sudan.

The event was made possible in part due to Title VI funding from the Department of Education.



Reem Abbas
Reem Abbas

Former Nonresident Fellow at TIMEP focusing on land, conflict, and resources in Sudan.

Reem Abbas is a former Nonresident Fellow at TIMEP focusing on land, conflict, and resources in Sudan. She was also the institute’s first Mohamed Aboelgheit Fellow. She has contributed to dozens of outlets including the Washington Post, the Nation, Al-Monitor, the Guardian, Open Democracy, and African Arguments. She has been working in the field of communications and advocacy for Sudanese civil society groups and international organizations for more than 10 years. She is active in the women’s movement in Sudan and was a former member in the coordination committee in Sudanese Women in Civic and Political Groups (MANSAM). She also spent years working with Sudanese refugees in Egypt and published a profile on a young refugee musician in the book “Voices in Refuge” published by the American University in Cairo Press. Her latest essay titled “Smuggling Books into Sudan: a Brief History from 2012 to 2016” was published in Art and Solidarity Reader: Radical Actions, Politics and Friendships. In 2022, she published “(Un)Doing Resistance: Authoritarianism and Attacks on the Arts in Sudan’s 30 Years of Islamist Rule” with her co-author Ruba El-Melik.

You can follow her on Twitter: @ReemWrites.

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Hala Al Karib
Hala Al Karib

Regional Director of SIHA

Hala Al-Karib is the Regional Director of SIHA, an organization established in 1995 by a coalition of women’s rights activists with the aim of strengthening the capacities of women’s rights organizations and addressing women’s subordination and violence against women and girls in the Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA). She is also the editorial head of the SIHA annual journal ‘Women in Islam’, an annual journal published by SIHA that focuses on gender relations and women’s rights within Muslim communities in the GHoA. She often writes on women’s rights and social justice issues and the politics of the region for media outlets such as OpenDemocracy, Al Jazeera and The New Humanitarian Pambazuka and The East African. Prior to joining SIHA network, Ms. Al-Karib studied Human Rights, Women Studies and Psychology, and worked as a Research Assistant for the College of Social & Economic Studies of Juba University in South Sudan and as an Assistant Researcher for the Sociology Department at the American University in Cairo. While living in Canada, she worked for Open Door Society Refugee Agency in Regina and as a Program Director for the International Women of Saskatoon. She has also previously worked as a Grant Officer for Irish organization Trócaire and other international and regional organizations. Ms. Al-Karib is a board member of Musawah, a global movement working on reforming Muslim family law, and she is a fellow with the Rift Valley Institute.

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Abubakr Omer
Abubakr Omer

Researches Sudanese agriculture and food systems.

A Sudanese expert in the fields of agriculture and food systems, and interested in issues of transformative change in food systems in order to achieve food sovereignty as a lever to support comprehensive economic development.

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