Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


The Students' Movement in Palestine

Nael Halabi

Interviewed by Iyad Riyahi
{{langos=='en'?('24/12/2015' | todate):('24/12/2015' | artodate)}}
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This interview explores the realities of the student movement in Palestinian universities, in particular Birzeit University, as well as the movement's overall role and current challenges. 


Nael Halabi
Nael Halabi

He was arrested and held in Israeli prisons for 6 years 

From Al-Birah city in Palestine, Nael received his BA in sociology from Birzeit University. He was arrested and held in Israeli prisons for 6 years, specifically those of Beir Al-Sabi’ and Al-Nagab in the desert and was imprisoned again for a year and a half while a university student. He was head of the general secretariat for the “Democratic Progressive Student Pole” at Birzeit University where he  is currently working towards his MA. 

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