Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


Emergency Teach-In
Saluting Administrators & All Faculty Protesting Genocide. Wow.
{{langos=='en'?('05/05/2024' | todate):('05/05/2024' | artodate)}} - issue 11.1

We are all in awe (tears, really) of our University presidents, administrators, and fellow faculty member for unanimously supporting with every bone in their body the valiant efforts of our students as they protest war/Genocide and call for ceasefire and divestment from Israel, this century’s biggest human rights offender.After decades of attempting to dismantle higher education neoliberally, University powers that be have shifted gears to calling on law enforcement to break the bones and ribs of our students and faculty, or, politely, to sit back and watch delightful Zionist mobs beat the shit out of peacefully protesting students—who are all paid agents of the Ayatollahs and the Houthis, and orchestrated by Hamas who have all the time in the world to manage thousands of American students in Ivy League schools and beyond from tunnels under Al-Shifaa’ Hospital. Why else would anyone protest Genocide. Join our illustrious team of experts, the hosts of the Podcast “3 Arabs &,” which will probably never be recorded, to learn how to protest without being noticed. Stop disrupting genocide, you mobs.
