Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}


Emergency Teach-In
How to Make Supporters of Israel’s Genocide Feel Safe on Campus
{{langos=='en'?('01/11/2024' | todate):('01/11/2024' | artodate)}} - issue 11.2

Learn how to develop sensitivity to supporters of Genocide on U.S. campuses so they can feel comfortable as they stand together with Israel (and the U.S.) on the heads of all human beings. Because my feelings trump your Genocide. Featuring the expert hosts of “3Arabs&,” Bassam Haddad, Sinan Antoon, and Adel Iskandar, a multinational triglyceride think tank that provides satirical dilution to contemporary banalities.
