Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}

Live with ASI / On Israel’s Agreements with the UAE and Bahrain

Live with ASI
On Israel’s Agreements with the UAE and Bahrain
{{langos=='en'?('04/10/2020' | todate):('04/10/2020' | artodate)}} - Issue 7.2
Hosted by Carly Krakow

Carly A. Krakow interviews Ilan Pappé about Israel’s deals with the UAE and Bahrain, and the impacts of normalization agreements on the question of Palestine and human rights in the region. This is the full-length version of an interview that aired as part of Live with ASI on October 6, 2020. You can find that content in the Episode 2 Digest on Jadaliyya

Watch the conversation:


Ilan Pappé
Ilan Pappé

Professor of History at the University of Exeter

Professor Ilan Pappé obtained his BA degree from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1979 and the D. Phil from the University of Oxford in 1984. He founded and directed the Academic Institute for Peace in Givat Haviva, Israel between 1992 to 2000 and was the Chair of the Emil Tuma Institute for Palestine Studies in Haifa between 2000 and 2006.

Professor Pappé was a senior lecturer in the department of Middle Eastern History and the Department of Political Science in Haifa University, Israel between 1984 and 2006.

He was appointed as chair in the department of History in the Cornwall Campus, 2007-2009 and became a fellow of the IAIS in 2010.

His research focuses on the modern Middle East and in particular the history of Israel and Palestine. He has also written on multiculturalism, Critical Discourse Analysis and on Power and Knowledge in general.

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