Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}

Quick Thoughts / The Consequences of the Onslaught on Gaza: One Year After

Quick Thoughts
The Consequences of the Onslaught on Gaza: One Year After
{{langos=='en'?('01/05/2015' | todate):('01/05/2015' | artodate)}} - Issue 2.2
Hosted by Iyad Riyahi
Amjad al-Shawa explains the abysmal state of reconstruction in Gaza, one year after the 2014 Israeli war on the territory. One of the preconditions that renders the difficulty in reconstruction is the reconciliation between the two factions--Hamas and Fatah--which has yet to materialize. Furthermore, he explains that Arab countries' pledges for reconstruction funding is the least reliable. Shawa describes the efforts to create an independent organization to oversee the reconstruction and the difficulty in doing so. He says it will take between 15-20 years to rebuild what has been destroyed in last year's war.


Amjad al-Shawa
Amjad al-Shawa

Amjad al-Shawa is an organizer, human rights activist, and has been the director of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO).

Amjad al-Shawa is an organizer, human rights activist, and has been the director of the Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations Network (PNGO) - a civil and democratic body comprising more than 100 Palestinian NGOs, which seeks to support, consolidate and strengthen the Palestinian civil society - in Gaza strip since 1999.  He has been working as a part-time correspondent for the Jordanian news agency Petra since 1996. Amjad has a B.A. in Business Administration and Marketing and a Masters of American Studies. He also has a professional diploma in teaching deaf children in Gaza.

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