Status Audio Magazine

{{langos!='ar'?"Issue "+guestData[0].issueNb:"عدد "+guestData[0].issueNb}}

Environment in Context / Phosphates & the Political Economy of Environmental Transformation in Tunisia

Photo: A train of phosphate in the Sahara of Tunisia (Shutterstock)
Environment in Context
Phosphates & the Political Economy of Environmental Transformation in Tunisia
{{langos=='en'?('09/07/2020' | todate):('09/07/2020' | artodate)}} - Issue 8.1
Hosted by Huma Gupta

In this episode, Huma Gupta speaks with journalist Layli Foroudi. They explore how the story of phosphates can help us understand the political economy of environmental transformation in Tunisia from the late nineteenth to the twenty-first century. This episode discusses phosphate mining towns like Gafsa, railway networks that transport this important resource to coastal cities like Sfax for processing, phosphate trade with India, existing environmental policies, and public protests decrying the phosphate industry's environmental impacts, such as pollution, soil salinization, and water scarcity, in the decade following the Tunisian revolution.


Layli Foroudi
Layli Foroudi

Journalist, producer, and illustrator based in Tunisia.

Layli Foroudi is a journalist, producer, and illustrator based in Tunisia who covers environmental issues. Her writings have appeared in The Times, Reuters, Al Jazeera English, and the Financial Times.

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